The Power of Job Satisfaction in Improving the Performance of Employees of Sharia Banking Companies
In this study, the title of the power of job satisfaction was given in improving the performance of Sharia banking companies, using four variables, namely Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, and employee performance. The analysis method is used path analysis which only looks at direct influences, while indirect influences are not conveyed in this study. The result of this study is that of the four variables received a strong response in giving correlation of each variable. Organizational culture and leadership style have a direct influence on job satisfaction in the Sharia banking sector in Indonesia, so as to be able to provide improved employee performance. As the results in the conclusion of the hypothesis test of organizational culture affect positive job satisfaction 0.659 significant 0.000, leadership style affects positive job satisfaction 0.507 significant 0.000. While organizational culture affects positive performance 0.561 significant 0.001, leadership style affects positive performance 0.353 significant 0.007. As for job satisfaction to positive performance of 0.320 significant 0.003. Of all the variables, there are positive and significant correlations. This is a strength to be used as a form of respect for Sharia banking companies in managing human resources to be the main force in improving the performance of Islamic banking companies.
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