Optimization of Condensate Transfer Pump in the Hydrocarbon Condensate Stabilization Unit of Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant – An Industrial Case
PT. Badak NGL is a commercial LNG producer located in Bontang, Indonesia. In recent years, the decline in LNG production of PT. Badak NGL results in a lower hydrocarbon condensate flow rate. To prevent power losses since its pump operated at below rating, a new operation scheme was proposed. This new scheme adjusts the way of pump is operated without any alteration in terms of pump characteristics. Three pumps operated intermittently for 8 hours per day at a maximum flow rate. The pump power consumption was calculated based on electric current data monitored by relay panel. The results show that the pump energy saved by 60% with the absolute value of annual energy efficiency of 957.7 MWh. This study contributes to reducing the greenhouse effect by 412 tons eq CO and the annual production cost of around USD 130,000. The new scheme reliability examines by evaluating pump vibration, pump performance, hydrocarbon condensate quality, and condensate tank liquid level. The result shows that the pump’s vibration in the range of 0.21 in/sec with a steady winding temperature.
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