Export Contribution of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to GDP Per capita in Indonesia

  • Deddy Tri Harjanto Borobudur University, Indonesia
  • Cicih Ratnasih Universitas Borobudur
  • Yolanda Yolanda Borobudur University, Indonesia
Keywords: exchange rate, Number of MSMEs, Investment, Credit, Inflation, National Exports and GDP per capita


This study will determine how much the influence of the exchange rate, the number of MSMEs, investment, credit, and inflation on MSME exports nationally, and how they contribute to GDP per capita. The research method uses multiple regression with data transformation ln. The results of the study consist of model 1, the exchange rate factor, the number of MSMEs, investment, credit, and inflation are variables that influence increasing the number of product exports produced from the MSME sector. In the second model, the contribution of MSME exports to GDP per capita. The results showed that of all significant positive variables and one significant negative variable. The investment required in Indonesia, whose number continues to increase yearly, affects the high number of products exports from the MSME sector.

For this reason, investment factors must continue to be considered to increase MSME exports. In contrast, the contribution of the inflation variable has a significant negative effect, which is an inverse relationship to MSME exports. It is predicted that if inflation is low, MSME exports will increase, and vice versa if inflation is high, MSME exports will decline. Furthermore, model 2 shows that MSME exports significantly contribute to gross domestic product per capita. In this case, the ups and downs of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises' exports need special attention.


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Development of MSMEs in 2014 -2018

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