Exploration of the Human-Computer Synergy Paradigm for Literary Creation via the Lens of Digital Humanities

  • Xiaonuo Ye College of Humanities, Minjiang University, China
  • Libin Huang College of Humanities, Minjiang University, China
  • Zhifeng Wang College of Humanities, Minjiang University, China
Keywords: digital humanities, Natural Language Processing, machine learning, Generative Art, interactive literature


In order to study the human-computer collaboration paradigm of literary creation in the field of digital humanities, and to analyze the application and influence of human-computer collaboration technology in literary creation, this paper adopts the methods of literature analysis and case study to sort out the evolution of literary creation paradigm from “author-centered” to “reader-centered” to “digital interaction”. Using literature analysis and case study methods, this paper examines the evolution of the literary creation paradigm from “author-centered” to “reader-centered” to “digital interaction”, and explores the application and impact of human-computer collaborative technology in literary creation. The study finds that the integration of human-computer collaborative technology promotes the diversification of creative subjects, methods and platforms, and promotes the development of cross-media narrative and multimodal expression of texts; however, at the same time, AI creation faces the problems of insufficient expression of emotions and difficulties in defining originality, and the copyright attribution of the works and the subjectivity of the authors have triggered legal and ethical discussions. This paper enriches the theory of human-computer collaborative creation in the field of digital humanities, and provides a reference for the innovation of future literary creation paradigms.


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How to Cite
Ye, X., Huang, L., & Wang, Z. (2025, March 4). Exploration of the Human-Computer Synergy Paradigm for Literary Creation via the Lens of Digital Humanities. Humanities and Social Science Research, 8(2), p1. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/hssr.v8n2p1