Beyond the Color Line: A Postmodernist Reading of Ishmael Reed’s Flight to Canada

  • Bi Boli Dit Lama Berté GOURE Department Of Humanities, National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire
Keywords: ethnicity, metanarrative, deconstruction, carnivalization, cynicism towards orthodoxy


Though African American literature can be regarded by some theorists as a means of defining the racial self, a postmodernist reading of Ishmael Reed’s Flight to Canada delves into the intrinsic value of that literature which supersedes the traditional racial connotation ascribed to it. Reed not only castigates the metanarrative of the American cultural and democratic thought through the exposure of its inconstancies and the criticism of traditional ideas on race and ethnicity, but he also gives proof of his creative genius by operating a carnivalization of the novel genre itself.


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How to Cite
Berté GOURE, B. B. D. L. (2020, July 15). Beyond the Color Line: A Postmodernist Reading of Ishmael Reed’s Flight to Canada. Humanities and Social Science Research, 3(3), p1.