Negative Correlation Between Economic Structure of Rentier State and Non-Democratization (Case Study: Saudi Arabia)
The Saudi Arabia having patrimonial government politically system and unique nature of power structure that all political affairs set in Ale Saudi dynasty. Government system is traditional and dependent to person and persons of dynasty are absolute rulers and away from criticism and ruler willing prefer to law. Despite of authoritarian and monarchy system and non-democracy development in Saudi Arabia special now that kind of government system isn’t acceptable side of dominant discourse of global community, this country could rely on oil produce regarding to rentier state features have active representation in international communities and too in home sue achievement to legitimacy and vindication. the interests of state-building and to reinforce its legitimacy, which is hardly the act of a state free of interests. Saudi Arabia is also an archetypal example of a state that still faces influence from actors within the state and elite structures, i.e. princes, senior officials, and clerics, among others. In this article analysis rentier state effect on non-democracy development in case study of the Saudi Arabia and research claim is that in nature of relations between rentier state and non-democracy development exist negative correlation. Namely whatever government income dependent to oil export and state economic nature has been independent from peoples, will be decrease from democratic charge in political dimension. This country by oil produce and effect to world powers economies cause that be complex government structure under monarchy system and use endowment of oil rent. Now observe modern dictatorship that despite of economic and social reforms side if internal, regional and international pressures in general dimension of society, will be non-democratic politically structure.

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