New Media Access and Use for Triggering the Farmers Capability Improvement in Central Java Indonesia
The coconut sugar industry is a hereditary business in Banyumas. However, the low income of farmers, poor education, regeneration, and limited number of extension staffs, are some of the problems associated with its development in rural areas. Therefore an alternative strategy is needed to solve these problems to stay above the competitive and fast-growing market. This study, therefore, aims to determine the access and use of the new media to trigger farmers capability improvement. In-depth interviews and FGD were used to collect data from coconut sugar farmers, extension and cooperative staff, informal leaders, and government officers. Finding show that farmers have the freedom to access new media, though the access is varied based on socio-demographic characteristics. Following their experience in online activity, farmers conduct a social interaction with related parties to discuss the information obtained. Therefore, through this interactive process, farmers tend to realize their functions to improve their capability by obtaining new information, expanding their economic opportunity, affiliation, besides play and emotion.
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