Chinese-Foreign Dual Degree Education Programs: Problems and Developments

  • Xiaoyu Luo Hunan University of Technology and Business, China
Keywords: dual degree program, current status, problem and development


This study researches the current status, problems, and development countermeasures of Chinese-foreign dual degree programs in Chinese higher education by using Microsoft Excel and geographic system information (GIS) software, including their types of degree, geographical distribution, and collaborative partners. The result shows a reasonable reginal distribution of Chinese-foreign dual degree program in higher education is a strong guarantee to promote the coordinated development of higher education. How to establish a common quality guarantee system and make the cooperation certificate-oriented is also need to further research.

Author Biography

Xiaoyu Luo, Hunan University of Technology and Business, China

Associate professor at Hunan University of Technology and Business, China. She owns her Ph.D. in Niagara University, USA and Master Degree in Brunel University, UK. Her research interests center on English education in higher education, linguistic economics and quantitative research.


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Partner Countries for Chinese-Foreign Dual Degree Program
How to Cite
Luo, X. (2019, November 30). Chinese-Foreign Dual Degree Education Programs: Problems and Developments. Humanities and Social Science Research, 2(4), p58.