Implementation of Ecotourism Empowerment in Coastal Border of West Kalimantan
Development must be an important and strategic priority, especially in the coastal border village area to prevent economic disparity, community conflict, and national disintegration. The research aims to analyze the implementation of the empowerment of coastal border of West Kalimantan. The research used qualitative methods of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation analysis, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research took place in the coastal border area of Temajuk Village, Paloh District, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan. Informants heve been purposively selected namely activists, students, community leaders, village government, business groups, academics, and tourists. The research analysis through interactive models by collecting data, reduce, verification, categorization and conclusions. The results showed that (1) Implementation of empowerment can be carried out by conducting counseling and training so as to increase awareness, motivation, knowledge, skills and solidarity between participants from the younger generation who form ecotourism community development. (2) Community development has been successfully formed from a young generation with the name "The Borneo tail" to become an activist who preserves and manages the potential of ecotourism by having the spirit of being a public relations (tourism guide), promotional and marketing services, and typical food and beverage entrepreneurs. (3) Development must continue to be improved, namely road infrastructure, availability of electricity and access to telecommunications networks (internet) as a support in the development of ecotourism, especially in Temajuk Village which is still limited and dependent on Malaysian territory. (4) The village and regional governments, academics, activists of empowerment, environmentalists and tourists need to collaborate in carrying out sustainable ecotourism empowerment programs for Borneo tails as community development.
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