Analysis of Financial Statements

The Importance of Financial Indicators in Enterprise

  • Petrit Hasanaj ILIRIA College, Kosovo
  • Beke Kuqi University "Haxhi Zeka", Kosovo
Keywords: financial analysis, financial reports, decision-making, profitability, liquidity


The main purpose of this study is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic conditions and company’s performance in the future. The other purpose of this study is to analyze the financial statement and than give information for financial managers to make through decisions about their business. The financial statement applies tools, analytical techniques and required methods for business analysis. It is a diagnostic tool for evaluating financing activities, investment activities and operational activities as well as an assessment tool for management decisions and other business decisions. The analysis of financial statements, respectively the analysis of the financial reports are used by managers, shareholders, investors and all other interested parties regarding the company's state. Managers use financial reports to see the situation in which the company stands and then provide information to shareholders, to see how reasonable are the investments made in the company. To potential investors, the analysis of the financial statements of the company is very important, because, first they want to know the actual state of the company and then decide whether to invest or not.


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Summary of liquidity reports
How to Cite
Hasanaj, P., & Kuqi, B. (2019, June 19). Analysis of Financial Statements. Humanities and Social Science Research, 2(2), p17.