Constitution Vis-A-Vis Constitution Indonesian 1945 Versus Papuan 1999
Commonly, as it is shown, conflict is emerge among Tolerancemerger of Unity in Diversity versus Solidarity merger of Togetherness in Diversity as poles of spanning the natural and engineering efforts which are not natural to make or maintain existing fused together. The statement is welded by the spirit of Indonesia’s1945 Constitution versus Papua’s1999 Constitution in the feasibility (practice) and philosophical (ideology) of Papua-Melanesian living in and integrated to Indonesia.
Regardingly, this article is therefore titled “Constitution vis-à-vis Constitution: Indonesia 1945 versus Papua 1999” intended to demonstrate the existence of each of the philosophical as well as the feasibility of correlation between the two as cause and effect in supporting the blare political action which is: "The Roadmap to the Revival of the Papuan Nation in West Papua: "A Peaceful Decision on the Restoration of the Self". Affair have been taken, namely through the Third Papua People's Congress (Kongres Rakyat Papua Tiga/KRP-3), October 16-19, 2011, where the Nation of Papua has announced Unilateral Declaration of Independence of the Nation of West Papua/UDI-Papua and formation of The Federal Republic of West Papua/FRPB (Negara Republik Federal Papua Barat/NRFPB) back to and continuing the Political Status of December 27nd 1949 to December 1st, 1961 (after Round Table Conference/RTC of The Hague to Political Manifesto of Papua). This is the status before Papua being occupied by and integrated within Indonesia at change of International conspiracy.
Thus, as well as to formulate the two basics: First, how to understand the presence of Papua-Melanesian inhabiting Land of Papua? Second, whether, People of Papua-Melanesian and Indonesia who inhabiting Land of Papua can being together according to the federalist order of Papua-Melanesian? This may also potentially for other basic formulation of discussion likely to reveal a back-rock (the unshakeable basis) of each of the existence which is of Papua and of Indonesia as two different nations. The two nations are, as being correlated in the process of time and idealism. The appearance of actual and accurate Papua in Indonesia because of the synergies and mechanisms of critically adhesives of interest to tolerate in corporation of national unity or Multiple-wide but One, but also at the same time hard spanned cohesive because there is no solidarity which is Togetherness in Diversity because the nature of rejecting merger.
There are many hidden presence but there are also some blatant. For this reason hidden structure theory needs to be implementing which convergent with other theories in the phenomenology-behaviourism methodology with the support of literature and empirical studies in practice (auto-ethnography).
Thus it can be understood that there is tolerance merger of Unity in Diversity versus solidarity of Togetherness in Diversity which for Papua-Melanesian living in Indonesia may reflecting any kinds of multiple singularities (a.o, the feeling of dual citizen, etc.). These ere poles of spanning the natural and engineering efforts (not natural) to maintain existing fused together. The controversial is reflected when matching constitution of the two nations i.e. 1945 Constitution of Indonesia versus 1999 Constitution of Papua.
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