The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Fast Food Industry

The Case Study of KFC Viet Nam

  • Cuong Nguyen Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
  • Duy Nguyen University of Greenwich, UK
  • Toan Do University of Greenwich, UK
Keywords: customer satisfaction, KFC, ambiance, price, service quality, food quality


This primary objective of this study is to identify the determinants of customer satisfaction for KFC in Vietnam. Fast food industry developed rapidly in an emerging economy like Viet Nam. Current competition in Vietnamese fast food has required companies to pay more attention to customer satisfaction. Data is collected from KFC's customers in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. The research model is adopted from the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1988). The findings show that the main determinants of customer satisfaction of KFC Vietnam are Food Quality, Ambience, Price, Service Quality. Among these determinants, ambiance causes the most impact on customer satisfaction, following up by food quality and price. Managerial implications for KFC and other fast-food companies are discussed to improve customer satisfaction.


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Regression Co-efficient
How to Cite
Nguyen, C., Nguyen, D., & Do, T. (2019, April 9). The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Fast Food Industry. Humanities and Social Science Research, 2(2), p1.