The Impact of Austerity Measures on Social Security Beneficiaries

The Case of Greece

  • Savvoula I. Mouratidou Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Keywords: impoverishment, austerity reforms, social benefits shrinkage, crisis


This article discusses how welfare cuts in Greece affected social insurance beneficiaries’ access to better living conditions by raising the question why welfare benefits are not excluded from cuts even though they obviously minimize poverty rates in people of the third and fourth age. It focuses on the Memoranda reform measures imposed after 2010 acknowledging on the one hand that these measures are for the most part unjustifiable and in parallel locating which changes have been accepted and welcomed by the social insurance fund executives.

Has the creation of a Single Health Provider been an essential measure for the viability of the Social Security System since after 2010?
How to Cite
I. Mouratidou, S. (2019, February 21). The Impact of Austerity Measures on Social Security Beneficiaries. Humanities and Social Science Research, 2(1), p1.