Planning Educational Activities for Learning “Road Safety”

  • Evangelos C. Papakitsos Center for Counselling and Vocational Guidance of Elefsina
  • Georgia Korakidi Health Education Office, Secondary Education Directorate of Western Attica, Greek Ministry of Education, Greece
  • Xenophon Vamvakeros Director’s Office, Secondary Education Directorate of Western Attica, Greek Ministry of Education, Greece
  • Anastasios Mavrakis Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences, Greece
Keywords: road safety, traffic education, experiential learning, sustainability network


In this paper, a project of the local sustainability network of schools in the area of Western Attica (Greece) is described. The subject of this project is “Road Safety”, and it was addressed to third grade pupils of junior high-schools. It has been planned as the result of collaboration between the local Secondary Education Directorate, a few voluntary organizations, some private Vehicle Technical Inspection Centers and the local traffic-police department. This educational activity had been mainly implemented through the teaching and learning method of “experiential learning”. The pupils were divided into groups and attended six workshops that were designed accordingly. The entire process aims at establishing educational activities that in long-term will deal effectively with the acute problem of road safety.

The premises of a VTIC - A workshop’s briefing
How to Cite
Papakitsos, E., Korakidi, G., Vamvakeros, X., & Mavrakis, A. (2018, November 28). Planning Educational Activities for Learning “Road Safety”. Humanities and Social Science Research, 1(2), p43.