Analysis of Positive Parenting Styles Among Rural Primary School Students' Parents: A Case Study of Qingxi Village, Fujian Province

  • Siyu Liu College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, China
  • Yian Zhou College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, China
  • Weiyi Zhong College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, China
  • Lulu Zhang College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, China
  • Yuege Lai College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, China
  • Baiyan Du College of Teacher Education, Quzhou University, China
Keywords: rural education, family education, basic education, positive parenting styles


With the deepening of educational reforms, rural basic education has garnered increasing societal attention. Family education, as a critical factor influencing children's development, demonstrates unique significance in rural areas. This study aims to explore the fundamental characteristics of positive parenting styles among rural primary school students' parents and propose strategies to enhance family education effectiveness. Focusing on Qingxi Village, Fujian Province, as a case study, data were collected through questionnaire surveys measuring parental practices in three dimensions: warmthautonomy support, and problem-solving assistance.However, challenges persist due to a lack of effective educational guidance and resources, leading to suboptimal parenting approaches. The study recommends strengthening parental training programs and expanding educational support services to foster holistic development among rural students.


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How to Cite
Liu, S., Zhou, Y., Zhong, W., Zhang, L., Lai, Y., & Du, B. (2025, March 3). Analysis of Positive Parenting Styles Among Rural Primary School Students’ Parents: A Case Study of Qingxi Village, Fujian Province. Humanities and Social Science Research, 8(1), p123.