A Brief Discussion on the Impact and Coping Strategies of Performance Anxiety in Music Major College Students
Music performance anxiety is the stress musicians experience during stage performances. This study employs literature analysis to reveal the manifestations of music performance anxiety, the primary factors causing it, its impacts, and specific measures for improvement. Given that performance anxiety is commonly experienced by music major students, it is primarily caused by factors such as perfectionistic personality traits, social anxiety, past performance experiences, and personal musicality. Music performance anxiety can directly or indirectly affect performers both physiologically and psychologically. Physiologically, it is mainly manifested through symptoms such as muscle tension, trembling hands and feet, nausea, and increased heart rate. Psychologically, it often results in diminished self-esteem, memory loss, and feelings of repression and depression. To alleviate performance anxiety in music major students, this paper proposes strategies such as cultivating a positive performance attitude, accumulating stage experience, and preparing adequately before performances. Additionally, external methods such as professional treatment and teacher support and encouragement can assist students in overcoming performance anxiety, enhancing their stage confidence, and achieving better performance outcomes.
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