A Comparison of Methods for Binning Responses to Open-Ended Survey Items About Everyday Events: A New Tailored-Binning Approach

  • Derrick M. Angier Psychology Department, University of New Hampshire, United States http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8037-5264
  • John D. Mayer Psychology Department, University of New Hampshire, United States
Keywords: binning, scale development, biographical data, lifespace


Psychologists and other researchers employ diverse types of surveys and survey items. Lifespace-type items include questions about a person’s external life conditions and activities, for example, “How many hours did you spend playing video games last week?” and elicit countable responses, for example, 0 hours, < 1 hour, 1-2 hours, 3-5 hours, etc., where the response intervals are referred to as bins. We report on a procedure for creating tailored bins for participants and compare it to two other binning approaches in an original and a replication study (Ns = 263 and 246). The Tailored binning approach developed here is highly structured, but, for convenience, can also be applied in less formal fashions. In the structured form focused on here, it compares favorably with alternative approaches such as Equal Percentage and Equal Interval methods. The pros and cons of each method are described in the Discussion and recommendations are provided.


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Tailored Binning Ruleset Flowchart. The approach depicted represents the formal rules applied and examined here. A relaxed form of tailored binning used in subsequent papers is described in the General Discussion
How to Cite
Angier, D. M., & Mayer, J. D. (2025, February 9). A Comparison of Methods for Binning Responses to Open-Ended Survey Items About Everyday Events: A New Tailored-Binning Approach. Humanities and Social Science Research, 8(1), p32. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/hssr.v8n1p32