The Logic of Globalization of Chinese-Style Modernization in the Perspective of Marx's World History Theory

  • Xin Zhang School of Marxism, Chongqing Technology and Business University, China
Keywords: Marx 's world history theory, Chinese-style modernization, The logic of Globalization


Marx 's world history theory is an important part of the Marxist theoretical system. Chinese-style modernization is a socialist modernization road with Chinese characteristics that is generated and developed according to China 's national conditions under the guidance of this theory. In the process of pursuing modernization, China not only follows the evolution law of world history in theory, but also shows its unique generation logic in practice.Specifically, the globalization logic of China 's modernization can be grasped from the three historical stages of " forced to follow", " Run after oneself " and " Take the initiative and lead the race", thus highlighting China 's profound insight and historical initiative in world history.


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The Logical Evolution of Globalization in Chinese Modernization
How to Cite
Zhang, X. (2024, December 11). The Logic of Globalization of Chinese-Style Modernization in the Perspective of Marx’s World History Theory. Humanities and Social Science Research, 7(3), p55.