Towards a Person-Centered Care Model Among Community Mental Health Services

  • Michael Galea University of Malta, Malta
  • Nathalie Mallia University of Malta, Malta
Keywords: Person-Centered Care, Mental Health, Lived Experiences, Community Mental Health Services, IPA.


Mental illness is widespread among adults and remains the foremost cause of years lived with disability. Despite its importance, there is a scarcity of research on person-centered care (PCC) from the viewpoints of mental health service users, particularly within clinical community mental health services. This study sought to investigate the potential for enhancing PCC through the lived experiences of individuals with mental health conditions who use local community mental health clinics (CMHC) in Malta. The goal was to obtain a thorough understanding of the current landscape, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and identify strategies for evolving the system towards a more PCC-focused model.

A qualitative research design was utilized, following the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as described by Smith et al. (2009). Ten participants from Malta, including six women, who frequently visit CMHCs, were recruited through intermediaries. Each participant took part in a one-hour semi-structured interview, conducted at a mutually convenient time and location. These sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim for subsequent analysis.

The analysis identified three main themes: Quality care, emotional support, and partnership and collaborative care, each comprising various sub-themes.  The study illuminated both the strengths and shortcomings of the existing system and their implications for a PCC-oriented healthcare approach. While our findings reaffirm research on the critical role of empathy in care and other relevant factors, results also indicate that cultural factors in Malta, such as strong family ties, significantly influence the delivery of person-centered care (PCC), which may be relevant for other small communities. Furthermore, the research offers healthcare professionals (HCPs) a chance for ongoing professional development in accordance with the latest PCC principles.


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