From Fear to Fight Back: Women’s Empowerment Through “Jogo Tonggo” Program During Covid-19 Rage in Karang Nangka Village Banyumas County-Indonesia
Worldwide, rural communities face previously unheard-of difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study examines the "Jogo Tonggo" initiative in Karang Nangka Village, Indonesia, which represents local community empowerment and resilience. In light of the constraints experienced by women and marginalized communities, this project initiated by the community effectively organized a localized response to the pandemic. It simultaneously encouraged active involvement, empowered individuals to take on leadership roles, and facilitated socioeconomic progress, focusing on women. The goal is to clarify the model's significant influence on health outcomes, gender inclusivity, and social capital. A study was conducted to explore qualitative data through interviews, focused group discussions, and participatory data analysis. The findings demonstrate significant improvements in health literacy, economic engagement, digital proficiency, and social cohesion due to the initiative's comprehensive empowerment strategies. Women took on prominent leadership positions in coordinating emergency response and recovery efforts. This endeavor disrupted antiquated gender norms while fostering enduring networks and resources. The localized volunteer system facilitated efficient monitoring of the pandemic, allocation of resources, and dissemination of health information well-aligned with the local conditions. The results confirm the effectiveness of involving women in community action that addresses gaps not addressed by formal top-down approaches. This study provides specific evidence on integrating community capabilities and official health systems for emergency preparedness in a given context. It emphasizes the routes for bottom-up social innovation and gender inclusivity to rebuild and improve effectively. Participatory models rooted in local communities can help foster equitable and resilient futures extending beyond the pandemic era.
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