“Leased” Workers in the EU and in Greece

  • Eleni D. Rompoti Technical University of Crete, Greece
  • Alexis D. Ioannides Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Keywords: “Leased”, Temporary Work Agencies (TWAs), Temporary Employment, European Directive, Industrial Sectors


This article is a literature review on the practice of workers “leased” through Temporary Work Agencies (TWAs). Reference is made to their main features, the institutional framework regarding the protection of these workers as well as the impact that this practice has on the workers. The next section is a presentation of the reasons that lead to the under- or over-estimation of the actual number of workers “leased” through TWAs. The empirical research is presented next, which was conducted about the workers “leased” through TWAS, based on secondary data of the Eurostat’s Labor Force Survey (LFS). The numbers of “leased” workers in the EU-15 during the period of the financial crisis, 2007-2018, is mentioned. The sectors employing the highest numbers of workers “leased” through TWAs and the demographics of the workers are detailed. In addition, two atypical forms of work are described. These two are temporary and part-time employment in the EU-15 during the period of the financial crisis and onwards, based on the most recent data available from Eurostat, from 2007-2022.


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How to Cite
Rompoti, E. D., & Ioannides, A. D. (2023, September 3). “Leased” Workers in the EU and in Greece. Humanities and Social Science Research, 6(3), p1. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.30560/hssr.v6n3p1