Adverse Mental Health of Juvenile Delinquency and Suicide: A Bibliometrics Study and Visualization Analysis via CiteSpace
Juvenile delinquency and suicide have been growing worldwide, behind which mental health issues cannot be ignored. Research status, hotspots, and frontiers in this field were mined in this study. Based on 4681 related publications from the Web of Science Core Collection, collaboration, hotspots, and frontiers were revealed via CiteSpace (from January 1st, 2000 to July 19, 2022). There is a continuous growth of relevant research, especially in the last five years. Alan Apter from Tel Aviv University in Israel was the author who published the most articles in the field (49 articles). The USA and University of California System were the leading country and institution with 2603 and 222 articles cited 88964 and 7891 times, respectively. There was active collaboration between institutions, countries, and authors on conducting research on the issues. Hot topics focused on mental health, behavior, depression, prevalence, ideation, suicide, substance use, psychiatric disorder, reliability, intervention, and risk factors. Research frontiers include adverse childhood experience, gay, and stigma. Healthy family dynamics (harmonious marital relationship, stable family structure, and correct parenting style) is the first layer of defense against juvenile delinquency and suicide. And the second layer is positive social determinants (neighbor influence, social support, stigma, and minority stress).
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