Contributing Factors for Turkey Consumption: An Empirical Analysis from Mymensingh City in Bangladesh
The study examined the factors influencing yearly consumption of turkey meat in Mymensingh city area. Data were collected from 60 consumers of turkey meat through Purposive sampling technique and face to face interview. Dummy coding was applied to code independent variables which were categorical in nature and multiple linear regression was carried out to find out the factors influencing consumption of turkey meat. Result indicated that the majority of the consumers (more than 50%) favored taste, color and aroma of turkey meat. The findings also revealed that age (P<0.05) and monthly family income (P<0.01) were significantly influencing yearly consumption of turkey meat among consumers in Mymensingh city. The major difficulty faced by the turkey farmer recognized as unavailability of turkey feed in the market, high price of day-old chick, lack of access to agricultural credit, lack of training and marketing facility and un-availability of vaccines. Analyzing the factors affecting consumption of turkey meat would facilitate in marketing decision making process of the turkey farmers and also deliver information to policy makers of Government as well as Department of Livestock Services to take necessary initiatives and support this alternative meat source to rise as a popular consumer choice.
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