A Critical Review of Value Chain for Irish Potato in Zimbabwe with Specific Regards to the Economic Policy: A Review
Potato production and consumption are booming worldwide, greater quantity of it is being processed into food and snacks. It is the most important horticultural crop which is a good substitute for maize to supplement carbohydrates. It was declared a national strategic food security crop on 18 May 2012 by the government of Zimbabwe. This paper critically review the value chain of Irish potato in Zimbabwe with a focus on its any government policy and support with regards to promoting the crop and key stakeholders involved in the value chain. The Irish potato value chain in Zimbabwe has great potential to improve and if well supported, it can contribute to the GDP of the country. This can be done if the government improve on its policy implementation through capacity development of its research and extension workers and more resources have to be availed to this area has showed great potential in terms of marketing and production. The key drivers at production level who will help in ensuring that necessary interventions are carried out to improve long term performance of the Irish potato value chain operate in an enabling environment. This is done by offering incentives to the potato farmers and all the value chain players. The economy of a country is driven by having well thought out policies and interventions that can even subsidies inputs and other raw material required along the value chain.
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