Value Stream Analysis of Fresh-Cut Vegetables in Bangladesh
Fresh-cut vegetable is a value added product and its demand shows remarkable growth tendency in Bangladesh. The study specifically examined the roles of value chain actors, value addition through marketing system and evaluating prospects of fresh-cut vegetables. Data obtained from a total of 103 vegetable customers (from Dhaka city), 10 outlet managers of SHWAPNO supermarket (from Dhaka city), 20 vegetable growers and 35 marketing intermediaries by using purposive sampling technique. Among available fresh-cut vegetables, 5 vegetables named taro root, amaranth stem, taro root stem, green pea and bean seed are considered in this study. Using marketing margin and value added models; the results indicate that each actor along the value chain starting from farmer to retailer (supermarket) added a significant amount of value. Processor and supermarket added highest value among all selected fresh-cut vegetables’ value chain actors. There is enough scope to develop specific channel for fresh-cut vegetable marketing. Moreover, the evaluation results of SWOT analysis accurately reflected the fresh-cut vegetable market situation which made it possible to assess the potentiality and identify strategies for development of this market in Bangladesh.
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