Effects of Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP) and Vitamin E on Growth Performance and Hemato-Biochemical Parameters in Broilers
This study was conducted to assess the effect of DCP and vitamin E supplementation on body weight, hematological- (TEC, Hb content, PCV and ESR) and biochemical (AST and ALT) parameters of “Cobb 500” broiler. A total of 20 chicks (14 days old) were reared and randomly divided into four equal groups (n=5). Body weight was measured at each 7 days interval up to the end of the 35 days of experimental period. Group A was considered as control, fed with commercial ration. Group B, C and D were treated with 1 gm DCP per kg feed, 1 ml vitamin E per litre of drinking water, and 1 gm DCP per kg feed plus 1 ml vitamin E per litre of drinking water with commercial ration, respectively from day 14 to day 35. It was observed that DCP and vitamin E supplementation significantly (p<0.01) increased body weight. Moreover, TEC and Hb content increased significantly (p<0.01) in the treated groups as compared to control. Besides, ESR, AST and ALT values decreased significantly (p<0.01) in the treated groups. Therefore, it may be concluded that DCP and vitamin E could be used to improve body weight gain and blood profiles without any detrimental effect to liver and muscle on broilers.
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