Effect of Foliar Application of Urea on Growth and Yield of Short Durative Lentil Variety (BARI Masur-9)
An experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jashore, Bangladesh during rabi season of (2019-2020) to evaluate the effect of foliar application of urea on growth and yield of short durative lentil variety (BARI Masur-9). The experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications where time of urea spraying, P1= at branching stage, P2= at pod initiation stage were distributed in main plots and doses of urea spraying T1= application of 100% recommended fertilizers as basal except urea, T2= application of 100% recommended fertilizers as basal, T3= application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea by spraying, T4= application of 25% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 75% of urea by spraying, T5= application of 50% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 50% of urea by spraying were distributed in sub plots. The highest plant height, number of pods per plant were obtained from application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea spraying at pod initiation stage. The highest seed yield was also found from application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea spraying at pod initiation stage followed by application of 100% recommended fertilizers as basal and application of 50% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 50% of urea by spraying at branching stage. Plant height, pods per plant and days to maturity showed positive correlation with seed yield. On the other hand days to flower and plants per m2 has no linear relationship with seed yield. The highest marginal benefit cost ratio (3.29) was recorded from application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea by spraying at pod initiation stage. So based on findings to increase the yield potential of BARI Masur-9 foliar application of urea may be a tool and hence application of 75% of urea with 100% of other fertilizers as basal and rest of the 25% of urea by spraying at pod initiation stage may be consider as the best treatment.
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