Genetic Variability and Characters Association of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Genotypes Tested under Irrigation in Northern Ethiopia
Hot pepper production in most areas of Ethiopia especially in Tigray region is constrained by shortage of varieties, the prevalence of fungal and bacterial as well as viral diseases. Sixty-four hot pepper genotypes were evaluated to obtain the extent of genetic variability, association among characters. The experiment was laid out using 8x8 simple lattice design at Axum Agricultural Research center in 2017/18. Data were collected for 19 agronomic characters and analysis of variance revealed significant differences (p<0.01) among the genotypes for all characters. Fruit yield ranged from 0.8 to 4.5 t ha-1 with a mean of 2.7 t ha-1. The genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) ranged from 3.57and 3.84 for days to maturity to 42.4 and 42.9% for average single fruit weight. All the traits had moderate to very high broad sense heritability while genetic advance as percent of mean (GAM) ranged from 8.34 for days to maturity to 85% for average single fruit weigh. High heritability coupled with high GAM was obtained for average single fruit weight, fruit length, dry fruit yield per plant, fruit diameter and thousand seed weight reflecting the presence of additive gene action for the expression of these traits and improvement of these characters could be done through selection. Fruit yield per hectare had positive and highly significant phenotypic and genotypic correlations with dry fruit yield per plant, average single fruit weight, fruit pericarp thickness, thousand seed weight, fruit diameter and fruit length, but it had negative and highly significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations with days to maturity. Estimates of genotypic and phenotypic direct and indirect effects of various characters on fruit yield showed that dry fruit yield per plant, fruit pericarp thickness had the highest positive direct contribution to fruit yield indicating that selection based on these characters will improve fruit yield. In conclusion, the research results showed the presence of significant variations among genotypes for agro-morphology traits. Therefore, it is recommended further evaluation of genotypes or hybrids that exhibited highest yield, quality and disease resistance in subsequent breeding programs to improve the productivity of the crop.
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