Combined Effects of Nutrient Management on Nutrient Content and Uptake of Transplant Aus Rice (BRRI Dhan48)
A field experiment was conducted at Sutiakhali, Mymensingh for crop production and chemical analysis was performed at Department of soil science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to see the combined effect of nutrient management on nutrient content and uptake of Transplant Aus rice (BRRI dhan48) during march to july 2015 following Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The treatments were T1: RD (N75 P12 K45 S9), T2: STB (N74 P11 K36 S7), T3: INM (N54 P5 K27 S5+ CD @ 5.0 t ha−1), T4: Farmer’s practice (N69 P30 K37), and T5: Control (no fertilizer). The NPKS content and uptake by BRRI dhan48 were also influenced significantly due to combined use of manure and fertilizers. The maximum N, P, K and S uptake by grain (35.55, 6.99, 15.20 and 3.38 kg/ha respectively) were obtained from the application of Integrated Nutrient Management. The minimum N, P, K and S uptake by grain (20.08, 3.64, 8.35 and 1.74 kg/ha respectively) were found from T5: Control. Similarly, The maximum N, P, K and S uptake by straw (3.38, 5.43, 99.25 and 7.37 kg/ha respectively) were found from T3: INM. The minimum N, P, K and S uptake by straw (1.74, 2.67, 49.70 and 3.87 kg/ha respectively) were obtained from T5 (Control). The performance of the treatment T3 was better than T1, T2, T4 and T5 in nutrient content and uptake of BRRI dhan48. Considering nutrient content and uptake, the application of chemical fertilizers in combination with manure based on INM could be recommended for BRRI dhan48 production in aus season.
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