A Rice Variety (BRRI dhan29) Yield Performance as Influenced by Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid in Bangladesh
Objective of this study was to examine and evaluate the role of different rates of salicylic acid (SA) as foliar spray on growth and yield performance of BRRI dhan29. The experiment was conducted at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh from November, 2016 to May, 2017 following a randomized complete block design with five rates of SA in six replications. The results showed that the lower rate of SA (upto 0.75 mM) has a positive effect on rice biomass production including effective tiller per hill, filled grain per panicle, grain yield and straw yield. The highest dry matter production at both maximum tillering and panicle initiation stages was found at SA spray rate of 0.5 mM. The highest number of effective tillers per hill (14.7) as well as the highest filled grain (120.4) and grain yield (8.1 t/ha) were found at SA rate of 0.75 mM. However, the maximum biomass production was obtained at SA rate of 0.25 mM. The minimum grain yield (7.0 t/ha) was observed in the control treatment.
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