Environmental Conditions and Genotype Influence Upon Some Correlations Value to Few Lines of Winter Wheat
Twenty-five mutant/recombinant lines and the two parental forms of winter wheat were taken into study to assess the correlations between grain yield and some quality traits. This investigation was carried out at ARDS Caracal of University of Craiova, during 2015-2018 cropping seasons in randomized blocks design with 3 replications. It included two factors: A– influence of climatic conditions (2016-2017 favorable conditions (A1); 2017-2018 less favorable (A2) and 2018-2019 abnormal conditions (A3) and b – genotype. Observations were recorded after harvest for grain yield and some quality traits every year after harvest. All the analyzed traits such as proteins, starch, TKW, seeds number/ear, seeds weight/100, seeds weight/ear indicate the experimented material combine well high level of yield and superior quality percent in the grains.
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