Influence of Frost Protection Windmachine with Continuous Oscillation on Microclimate in Tea Fields
To verify the influence of frost protection windmachine with continuous oscillation on microclimate, the experimental study was conducted in a tea field in Zhenjiang, China on a typical radiation frost night. Disturbed airflow variation and protection effect were investigated. Airflow velocity of 8 points at different distance from the machine was measured during an oscillation period with an anemometer, and temperature variation of 48 points at different distance from the machine and different height above the ground was measured with temperature recorders. The changes of airflow velocity and temperature were analyzed. Where the velocity was high, the airflow-disturbed duration was as well as large. Airflow velocity at each point presented a trend of rise, fluctuation, and decline under the action of windmachine with continuous oscillation. The temperature rise with the same distance from the machine was close, among which the 10 m and 20 m away from the machine increased greatly. Disturbed airflow enlarged the temperature difference between the top and the bottom of the canopy. The windmachine with continuous oscillation is proved to be effective for tea frost protection and provides more coverage than traditional anti-frost fan with flabellate oscillation.
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