Evaluation of the Cost of Production of Fish Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 (Siluriformes, Clariidae) with Three Types of Food Based on Local Agricultural by-products in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822 is a catfish with high commercial value in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in several African countries. The breeding of this species is controlled, but Congolese fish farmers are confronted with the problem of a lack of compound feed in the form of granules. The recovery of local agricultural waste would be essential to fill this gap. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of three types of food based on local agricultural by-products on the growth of C. gariepinus. The 25%, 41% and 51% crude protein feed formulas were tested in duplicate for 96 days. Fry averaging 2.20±0.43 g were distributed in 6 closed-loop plastic containers. The fish were fed twice a day by hand. Weighing and measuring took place every 14 days. The results obtained show that the highest final average weight (g) and specific growth rate (%/d) (F = 2.87; p = 0.002) are obtained with food A1: 27.5±1.9 g and 0.25±0.15% /d respectively. It took 812.6 Congolese francs to develop food A1, 942.6 congolese francs to produce the A2 ration and 836.6 congolese francs to produce food A3. The A1 ration is the one that gave a better compromise in price and quality by promoting fish growth at a lower cost (3.827 congolese francs).
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