Biopesticidal Management of Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus Chinensis L) in Chickpea Seeds
The pesticidal efficacy of four locally available leaves of botanicals like neem (Azadirachta indica), datura (Datura stramonium), marigold (Tagetes erecta) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) tablet powders was assessed on pulse bettle (Callosobruchus chinensis L) through adult mortality and emergence, oviposition performance, seed damage, weight loss and germination of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The above test biopesticides were tested at three different rates (0.5 g, 1.0 g and 1.50 g powder/kg of chickpea seeds). All the tested powder showed significant effect on the above parameters. The highest adult mortality was recorded when chickpea seeds were treated with datura leaf powder at 1.50 g/kg, whereas marigold showed the least effect on adult mortality. The powders used in the experiment effectively controlled oviposition and adult emergence of pulse beetle. The lowest number of adult emergence was obtained from chickpea seeds treated with datura leaf powder at 1.50 g/kg. The highest weight loss was observed in control seeds followed by marigold leaf powder 0.5 g/kg gram seeds. Datura leaf powder treated seeds showed the lowest seed weight loss followed by neem, garlic and marigold. Plant powders had profound effect on seed germination. The highest germination was observed in treated seed with datura leaf powder at 1.50 g/kg and the lowest germination in control seed followed by marigold leaf powder at 1.5 g/kg treated seeds. The pesticidal effect on oviposition, adult mortality, adult emergence, and seed weight loss was directly proportional to leaf powder rates.
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