Effects of Polypropylene Bag on Storage Properties of Litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn.)
The present study was run in the laboratory of the Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during the period of 15 May to September, 2016. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of different postharvest treatments on the storage behaviour of litchi. Eight postharvest treatments viz., control, fruits stored in 50µ polypropylene bag at ambient temperature, fruits stored in 75µ polypropylene bag at ambient temperature, fruits stored in 100µ polypropylene bag at ambient temperature, fruits stored at 4ºC temperature, fruits stored in 50µ polypropylene bag at 4ºC temperature, fruits stored in 75µ polypropylene bag at 4ºC temperature, fruits stored in 100µ polypropylene bag at 4ºC temperature were assigned to the litchi fruits. The single factor experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications. 75µ polypropylene bag at low temperature (4ºC) caused minimal weight loss, whereas, the untreated fruits exhibited maximal weight loss. The pericarp turned brown within 4 days of storage in the untreated fruits, while polypropylene bags helped keep its bright red colour, but microbial decay was evident at the end of the storage period. Different postharvest treatments showed highly significant variation in the shelf life of litchi. Among the treated and untreated fruits, 75µ polypropylene bag at low temperature (4ºC) treatment exhibited better storage performance. The fruits kept in 75µ polypropylene bag at 4°C showed the highest shelf life (20.67 days) followed by 50µ polypropylene bag at 4°C (20.33 days), and it was the lowest in the untreated fruits (3 days).
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