Grain Yield Performance and Parametric Stability Statistics of Tef {Eragrostis tef (Zucc) Trotter} Genotypes in Tigray, Ethiopia
The most constraints of tef productions are lodging, drought, low yield cultivars; insect and disease affected the growth of tef. These, factors causes inconsistence performance yield due to GEI. The objective was to evaluate tef genotypes on their yield performance, stability and parametric stability to select most independent and informative statistics method. The experiment was conducted at four locations for two seasons; with design of RCBD three replications, two standard checks and 19 tef genotypes. Data was collected on grain yield and analyzed by R software and STABILITYSOFT. The analysis of variance for the combined mean of grain yield showed that there was significance difference (P<0.001) between genotypes, environments and GEI. Yield performance was influenced by Environments and GEI. The mean grain yield of genotypes over GEI varies from 820.94kg/ha to 2438.90kg/ha, while the genotype grain yield was ranged from 1382 to 1989kg/ha. G19, G17 and G6 were identified the higher grain yield performance over seven environments. Whereas, G8 and G11 were the lowest yielding tef genotypes. Nine parametric methods and GGE biplot were used to evaluate the stability of the genotypes. G19 was the most stable following G17 and would be grown for unfavorable growing environments. However, G6 was stable for favorable environmental condition. G19 and G17 had static stability and fitting for area faced with erratic rain fall. Even though, parametric stability did not show a positive and statistically significant correlation with mean yield the Mean variance component (θi) is selected with GGE biplot for evaluation of tef genotypes in the development of cultivar. Effective selection of variety would be best if mega-environment, representative and discriminating testing areas are identified.
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