Potentials of Intercropping Systems to Soil - Water - Plant-Atmosphere
A well planned intercropping system can efficiently serve as alternative to input such as fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides and pathogenicides. The interaction between the intercrop species, soil and environmental factors have positive effects on crop nutrition and photosynthesis and these have improved the nutrient content of the soil and different intercrop components. The high percentage ability of the intercrop species to suppress weeds especially when legume crops are involved in the plan, improves the physicochemical properties of the soil, contributes to the health of the intercrop species as the intercrop promotes the synthesis of allelopathic compounds and phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins and flavonoids which may serve as a deterrent to diseases and pests and improve the quality of the intercrop plants. Due to its inherent biological, biochemical and physiochemical properties intercropping system may be used to promote sustainable crop production and for safe management and cost-effective agricultural activities.
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