A Review on Embryonic Development of Inland Fishes of Bangladesh
The early developmental pattern of inland fishes of Bangladesh are not well studied though it has a great importance in fisheries and aquaculture sector. The embryonic study provides interesting information on further growth and health of the fish and considered as an essential component for optimization of fish seed production by natural and induced breeding. Therefore, the current review work has been undertaken to provide a detail information on embryonic development of important inland fishes of Bangladesh. Information was collected from published scientific papers, un-published Masters and PhD dissertations from universities, popular articles and other published and grey literature. Diameters of unfertilized egg of the reviewed fish species were found to be 0.5 to 1.3 mm and fertilized egg were 0.49 to 1.6 mm. Shapes of the egg were also variable from species to species. There is little information available on egg activation and egg micropyle of fish species of Bangladesh. The fertilization rate of different fishes ranged from 40.1% to 93.9%. There are different stages of early development in different species and time needs to complete the stages also vary. The timing of post hatching development by metamorphosis was found to vary based on the fish species from several days to weeks. Different factors like temperature, photoperiod, DO, seasonality and presence of chemicals in water were found to affect the early development of fish. The review included eighteen inland fishes and unearthed useful insights of their embryonic development and influence of different factors. As we expect, the outcome of the study would provide a baseline and would be very useful in conducting further research on the embryology of indigenous fishes of Bangladesh.
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