Effect of Different Nutrient Solutions and Multiple Bio-Stimulant Dosages on Yield and Growth of Capsicum Annuum in Soilless System

  • Edouard Youssef Tabet Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Plant Production, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Lebanon
  • Lynn Samia Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Lebanon
  • Suzy Rouphael Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Lebanon
  • Chadi Hosri Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Lebanon
  • Elie Awad Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Basic Sciences, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Lebanon
  • Dalida Darazy Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Lebanon
Keywords: Capsicum annuum, hydroponics, nutrient solutions, bio-stimulants, soilless agriculture


This study evaluates the impact of two nutrient solutions (F1 and F2) and varying dosages of the plant bio-stimulant Atomes F.D.Inc. Bio Sciences PHP®, (D1 = 50 mL, D2 = 100 mL, D3 = 150 mL, and D0 = control) on the growth and yield of Capsicum annuum in a hydroponic system. The results demonstrate that F2 significantly enhanced overall plant growth and yield compared to F1, with notable increases in fruit count (25±10 vs. 24±9), average fruit width (8.31±1.02 cm vs. 8.03±1.00 cm), average fruit length (11.79±1.19 cm vs. 11.55±0.89 cm), and total yield weight (2.85±0.89 kg vs. 2.68±0.91 kg). Plants treated with D3 exhibited the highest yield, with a total fruit weight of 3.90 kg, compared to 1.69 kg in the control group (D0). D3-treated plants also produced an average of 37 fruits, while D0 produced only 13. Conversely, D0-treated plants resulted in larger individual fruit sizes, with an average fruit width of 8.98 cm and a length of 13.20 cm, compared to 7.89 cm and 10.91 cm in D3-treated plants. These findings underscore the importance of precise nutrient management and bio-stimulant applications in optimizing hydroponic bell pepper production. Future research should focus on long-term economic feasibility and large-scale implementation strategies.


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