The Effect of the Combination Polymers – Grape Marc in the Development of Tomato Growing in Soilless
This study examined the impact of two fertilizers (FI (CRFA) and F2 (Arizona University) and three substrates (S1(100% coconut fiber), S2 (50% coconut fiber, 50% grape marc, and 7g of polymers), and S3 (50% coconut fiber, 50% grape marc, and 13g of polymers)) on tomato growth in a soilless system. Results showed that Fertilizer F2 was the most effective overall. Substrate S3 excelled in node count and flower bud spacing, likely due to improved moisture retention and nutrient availability. Substrate S1 supported optimal stem length and node spacing. Substrate S2 yielded the highest tomato production. These findings suggest that optimizing fertilization and substrate composition can significantly improve tomato yield and quality in soilless systems. This has implications for sustainable agriculture by reducing reliance on soil-based cultivation and potentially increasing crop productivity. Further research in this area could lead to more efficient and environmentally friendly farming practices.
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