The Effect of Three Different Concentrations of a Bio-Stimulant on Lettuce Yield and Quality Variation in NFT System
This study examines the impact of three different doses (D2: 0.675 mL/week; D3: 3.375 mL/week; D4: 13.5 mL/week) of a bio-stimulant (P4P-Vita), provided by Van Iperen, on lettuce yield and quality variation in a Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system. The study compared these doses to a control group (D1) and evaluated the most effective dose for maximizing yield and quality. Parameters such as fresh weight, leaf number, leaf size (length and width), and root system volume were measured on day 0, day of harvest to assess productivity. Additionally, weight loss, Brix degree, and pH were measured on post-harvest days: (0,4,7 and 14) during refrigerated storage to assess quality variation. Results indicate that the bio-stimulant positively influenced lettuce growth and storage. The moderate dose (D2) yielded the best results, promoting higher fresh weight, longer and wider leaves, a more developed root system, reduced weight loss, longer shelf life and improved taste compared to other treatments.
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