The Effectiveness of Two Hydroponically Fodder Production of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) as Compared to Open Field System in Mount Lebanon
This work aims to study the effect on the productivity and quality variation of alfalfa using the two different fertilization recipes: F1 and F2 along with two different cultivation method in soilless: coconut fiber bag CF, Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) and in soil So. Number of leaves, stem length, number of flowers, crude protein, fiber and ash content of alfalfa plants were measured during the three cuttings time of the production cycle. In the productivity phase, results showed that during the three cuttings repetition, the number of leaves, stem length and number of flowers of alfalfa were in favor of the treatment of coconut fiber bags and the F1 fertilization recipe (CF1) followed by NFT with a good interaction noticeable at this combination level (CF1) with the cutting 1. As for the quality variation phase, the results showed that the crude protein and ash content are in favor of alfalfa grown in soilless CF2; CF1; NFTF1 and NFTF2. As for fiber content, F1 was the most favorable and NFTF1 reported higher fiber content than coconut fiber bags. Concerning the cutting system, cut 1 had a large impact on chemical composition. In summary, alfalfa grown in soilless is more productive and succeeded in the production cycle and the quality variation of alfalfa.
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