Effects of Bagging of the Panicles of Philippine Carabao Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Using Waxed Paper Bags
The present study was conducted in Brgy. Dangcol, Balanga City, Bataan to evaluate the effect of bagging the whole panicle (cluster) of carabao mango fruit with waxed paper bag as compared to traditional method of bagging and without bagging in terms of fruit yield and quality as well as in cost-benefit analysis. Results revealed that fruits bagged per cluster using waxed paper (T3) obtained the highest number of marketable fruits (130.60) and highest total weight of 34.21 kg while the number and weight of XL fruits with no bag (T1) were significantly higher as compared to those bagged in cluster using waxed paper (T3). Insect damage was observed in fruits bagged per cluster using waxed paper bag (T3) while there is a scab in fruit with no bag (T1). Meanwhile, there is a wind scar observed in the two bagging methods (conventional bagging method and fruits bagged per cluster using waxed paper bag). All bagging treatments were comparable in terms of physical and chemical characteristics except for peel color which is lighter green in bagged fruits. In terms of income, mango fruits bagged per cluster using waxed paper bag (T3) had the highest gross income of PhP 3,056.27 while the highest net income and ROI was recorded in fruits bagged in conventional method (T2) earning PhP 616.09 per tree with 27.23% ROI. The conventional method (T2) also obtained the lowest cost per tree (PhP 2,262.36) while the lowest cost per kilogram (PhP 73.05) and cost per fruit (PhP 19.14) was recorded in mango trees bagged per cluster using waxed paper bag (T3).
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