Effect of Adding Different Levels of Duckweed (Lemna minor Linn.) in the Diet on Live Body Weight, Hematological Traits and Production Cost of Free-range Chickens, Gallus domesticus Linn. (Black Austrolorp x Barred Playmouth Rock)
The present study was conducted at Bataan Peninsula State University Abucay Campus to evaluate the growth performance and hematological profile of Gallus domesticus Linn. (Black Austrolorp x Barred Playmouth Rock) chicken fed formulated diets of varying inclusions of lesser duckweed (Lemna minor Linn.). Three formulated treatments diets of homogenous crude protein level were prepared: 0% duckweed (control), 10% duckweed, and 15% duckweed inclusion. Five chickens (average weight 202.5 g) per replicate were reared in a single factorial experiment and the feeding trial was carried-out for three months. Chicken fed diet containing 15% duckweed meal treatment had significantly (P < 0.05) higher body weight (1,425.88 ± 55.24 g) compared to chicken fed normal diet (1,223.48 ± 174.47 g). Mean cost to produce a kilogram of meat was significantly cheaper in the treated diets (F = 4.82; P < 0.05). Mean values of hematological variables were not significantly different among treatments.
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