Tracing the Flock: A Look at the Current State of Duck Raising Industry of Hermosa
The study aimed to describe the state of the Duck Raising Industry in the town of Hermosa, Province of Bataan in the Philippines from the point of view of various stakeholders. The study is a qualitative type of research built on a Phenomenological deductive approach. The researcher used interviews as the main tool in gathering the data needed for the study which focuses on the experiences the participants had in association to duck raising and duck egg processing from Mallard Duck locally known as itik. The study revealed that the duck Raising Industry in the town of Hermosa has been part of the growing up years of the participants and has greatly influenced their choice of livelihood and that the second generation of duck raisers in the family take on the business but is unlikely to be favored by the 3rd generation due to shifting careers and varied interests. The duck raising industry remains to be a good source of income and is appreciated by farmers for the quick daily turn out of profits. It is evident that through knowledge acquired from parents and relatives along with personal experiences, Hermosa duck raisers were able to generate best practices, techniques, and methods in duck raising.
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