The Effectiveness of Using Poetry in Developing English Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Motivation of EFL Palestinian Students
This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of using poetry in developing English vocabulary, pronunciation and motivation of EFL Palestinian students. The researcher adopted the quantitative method to collect the required data. The researcher used a questionnaire for both students and teachers to examine their attitudes towards using poetry in the language classroom. The participants of the study were both teachers and students from Hebron. The sample of study consisted of 73 female Tenth grade students and 214 English language teachers. One school has been chosen to form the experimental group. The analysis of the post-test revealed that the experimental group has significantly outperformed the control group in both vocabulary and pronunciation competences when they read poetry. Likewise, the results of the questionnaires showed that both teachers and students have positive attitudes towards using poetry in the language classroom as a means for teaching English language. In short, poetry has positive effect on developing the English vocabulary, pronunciation and increasing students’ motivation.
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