A Popular Participation Model to Avoid a New Governance Crisis in Venezuela and Peru: A Study of the Oil and Mining Industries
Shared governance through popular participation and social oversight represents a significant challenge and opportunity in combating corruption and enhancing public policy effectiveness. This study, which involved a survey of 35 interviews with students from Peru and Venezuela (University Mayor de San Marcos, Lima y University Carabolo, Valencia) and employed Structural Equation Modeling, proposed a theoretical model titled Popular Participation and Cultural Chage to reduce Corruption -PMRC.
Considering Venezuela's position as one of the largest oil producers in the world, the research focused on the following central question: What is the impact of Venezuelans' social participation in public policies related to gasoline supply?
Despite receiving financial aid from China and Russia to support both the public and private sectors, the Venezuelan government charges $1.36 per liter of gasoline—the highest price in Latin America—despite a production cost of only $0.035 per liter.
The study's key conclusion is that the governments of Venezuela and Peru are exploiting societal ignorance by closing educational institutions and restricting access to comprehensive knowledge, limiting citizens to only basic information.
The research model suggests that promoting knowledge-sharing within society and with other nations holds transformative potential for national cultural change, ultimately contributing to the reduction of corruption. The study emphasizes that combating corruption requires shifting from a purely legalistic approach to fostering an ethical cultural transformation, beginning with exemplary governance practices.
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