International Evidence on Purchasing Power Parity: A Study of High and Low Inflation Countries

  • Mehdi Monadjemi S P Jain School of Global Management 5 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia
  • John Lodewijks S P Jain School of Global Management 5 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, Australia
Keywords: purchasing power parity, exchange rate, inflation, depreciating currencies


The purpose of this article is to select a sample of low inflation countries and high inflation countries and examine the long run validity of the relative Purchasing Power Parity doctrine. We explore the notion that countries with historically low inflation experience strong and stable currency and those with a continuous high inflation face weak and depreciating currencies. After a review of the literature, a theoretical model is developed for the relationship between inflation and exchange rate changes. This is followed by some graphical annual time series and empirical results for selected countries. We find our hypothesis is supported for high inflation countries. We then explore productivity differences and their impact on real exchange rates.


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