The Relationship Between FDI, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Sustainability in Tunisia
Our goal in this paper is the study of the impact of FDI on poverty and sustainable development in the case of Tunisia and during the study period from 1985 to 2015. In addition, we use the test unit root of cointegration test, the model error correction of FMOLS and Granger causality. In the case of Tunisia, we find that all variables are integrated of order 1. Thus, we can use the cointegration test. Indeed, the result of the null hypothesis test of no cointegration was rejected at the 5% threshold, which explains the presence of a cointegration relationship between FDI, sustainable development and poverty. Finally, we present and interpreted the results of the estimated FMOLS model and Granger causality test to study the contribution of FDI to the poverty reduction and sustainable development in Tunisia. We find that the LIDE variable measuring foreign direct investment has a significant negative impact on the GINI index. We notice the LCO2 variable that measures the CO2 emissions has a negative and significant impact on poverty as measured by the poverty gap at $ 1.91. We prove that direct foreign investments have a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions. We find that the LIDE variable measuring foreign direct investment has a significant negative impact on the GINI index. We notice the LCO2 variable that measures the CO2 emissions has a negative and significant impact on poverty as measured by the poverty gap at $ 1.91. We prove that direct foreign investments have a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions. We found that the LIDE variable measuring foreign direct investment has a significant negative impact on the GINI index. We notice the LCO2 variable that measures the CO2 emissions has a negative and significant impact on poverty as measured by the poverty gap at $ 1.91. We prove that direct foreign investments have a significant negative impact on CO2 emissions.

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