The Analysis of Innovation Management in Google

  • Hyeonjoo Kim Coventry University, UK
Keywords: Innovation management, Innovation 4P, Innovation organization, Cultural management


Google has search engine, android operating system and so on. Its products innovation is remarkable as known as PageRank and world most used smart phone, Android. Not only management strategy, but also everyday life is interconnected with IT evolution. Google’s search engine lured more than half of traffic among other competitors and its Android OS for portable devices dominated major smart device market. Google Inc’s innovation for both of products and management sections are constantly getting upgraded and it shows that this organization have never stopped for adapting to current customer’s needs and innovation for its organization to get well shaped. This research is understanding of how current cutting-edge technology can be presented and major perspective to estimate future business trend with idea that is well established academical approach to Google’s innovation for both of technology and organizational transformation.


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Innovation 4ps of Google (Kim, 2020)

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